Thursday, October 10, 2024

2025 Student Recitals

2025 marks the 500th and 600th anniversaries of the publication of two major Ming Dynasty guqin handbooks, Xilu Tang Qintong (西麓堂琴統) and Shenqi Mipu (神奇秘譜). Peiyou Chang's student recitals will tentatively be held on Sunday, March 23, and Sunday, September 28, with the theme centered on these two handbooks, offering three formats:

  1. Qin music performance from these two handbooks.
  2. Conduct dapu (打譜), or reconstructive interpretation research, which involves selecting a piece from these handbooks, interpreting it from the notation on one's own, and performing it based on one's personal understanding.
  3. Translate any article from Xilu Tang Qintong into English.