Sunday, May 07, 2006

Music from the Spiritual Mists of China: the Qin

The New York Qin Society is giving its annual public performance event on June 4th at 5:00 pm. It will be held at Renee Weiler Concert Hall, Greenwich House Music School, 46 Barrow Street, NYC. Select members will play ancient and more recent music on the qin; this will be complemented by short discussions of some of the more intriguing aspects of the instrument and its culture. Admission is $15, or $10 for students and seniors. For further information, call (888) 414-SING or email:

The qin (pronounced “chin”; also guqin, “ancient qin”) is a seven-stringed zither played with silk or metal strings and has been associated with self-cultivation and Chinese art, literature and philosophy since the time of Confucius. Familiar to many Westerners through the movie Hero, it nonetheless remains little known, even in China. Its performance tradition dates back to China’s classic era and is transmitted to us partly by oral tradition and through mastery of a detailed and unique notation that has been in use for over a millennium.

Participants will include noted scholars as well as performers. Mingmei Yip, a qin player, calligrapher, and artist with an international reputation, received the first doctorate in qin studies from a Western university, and has written two books and numerous articles on the qin. Bo Lawergren is an expert in Asian instruments and has contributed over 50 articles to journals all over the world. Marilyn Wong-Gleysteen is an art historian now concentrating on music and the arts related to the qin and its performance. John Thompson, who has played qin since 1974, reconstructs and performs early qin music; he has made 7 CDs and his website, , is perhaps the richest online English-language qin resource. Peiyou Chang performs regularly on the qin and maintains an English and Chinese website devoted to the qin at Stephen Dydo is currently president of the NYQS; an accomplished performer, he has also composed qin music and has built several instruments.

The New York Qin Society is the only organization on the East Coast devoted to the qin. NYQS was formed in 2000 by a group of musicians, artists, writers and Sinologists to explore and enjoy the music and culture of the qin. Although its initial focus was the education and enjoyment of its membership, it began to give public events in 2001. Since that time, it has held performances in various venues on the East Coast. The June 4th performance inaugurates a partnership with Greenwich House Music School (website at ), which has been serving New Yorkers since 1905.

來自中國的天籟之音 — 古琴

紐約琴社將於六月四日週日下午五點在曼哈頓Greenwich House音樂學院的Renee Weiler 音樂廳 (46 Barrow Street, NYC)舉辦年度古琴音樂講座, 討論此一鮮為人知的中國傳統古典樂器之概論及其文化, 並有古琴演奏. 講座入場費15.00元,學生及高齡市民10.00元, 詳情請電(888)414-7464或 電子郵箱:

琴(古琴)又稱七弦琴, 是中國最古老的彈弦樂器. 琴上配以絲弦或尼龍鋼弦. 長久以來與中國文人,藝術,儒學,以及個人修身養性之文化習習相關. 最近因”英雄”這部電影而為西方人漸所熟悉. 古琴之彈奏自古經由師承口述,及其獨特的文字譜,得以傳承至今歷數千年.

參與此次古琴音樂講座之演講者及演出者包括: 葉明媚女士,巴黎大學民族音樂學博士,葉女士在古琴界享有國際知名度,並是一位書法家及畫家,出版過兩本古琴專書及許多相關文章. 勞鎛先生,是一位音樂考古學家,特專注於亞洲古樂器之研究,並發表過五十多篇樂史學專論於國際間. 王妙蓮女士,是一位藝術史學家,現專注於古琴相關藝術與古琴音樂的研究與彈奏. 唐世璋先生,自1974年開始彈奏古琴及從事打譜之研究工作,亦在古琴界享有國際知名度並已出版七張CD,他的英文古琴網 包羅了非常詳盡的古琴相關資訊. 張培幼女士,參與多次古琴演奏於紐約,台北及中國, 並建立了一個古琴網站 欲將古琴藝術推廣到世界各地. 戴德先生,是現任紐約琴社社長,參與多次古琴演奏於歐美間. 他不僅從事古琴音樂創作並也斲製了幾床古琴.

紐約琴社,是目前美東唯一的古琴文化組織, 由古琴家袁中平先生及一群音樂家,藝術家,作家,及漢學家共同創立於2000年. 雖然其創立初衷原為教育及社員間的雅集,但自2001年起,紐約琴社開始舉辦公開的音樂會及相關文化講座於美東各地. 六月四日的古琴音樂講座將是紐約琴社與成立自1905年的Greenwich House音樂學院首次合作. Greenwich House音樂學院網址為 交通請見以下網址