Monday, August 28, 2006


Jung Ping bought these DVD from China--Jing Han Tai Gu 靜含太古(古琴篇) , published by China Wencai publisher, organized by Zhong Guo Kunju Guqin Yangjiu Hui 中國昆劇研究會 and Zhong Guo Yishu Yangjiu Yuan 中國藝術研究院. These DVD contain 15 recent Chinese qin players' playing, Jung Ping is one of them. It was just published 2 months ago in China. Each qin player represents different school. It's a very precious records for the Guqin has been selected in year 2001 Nov 7th as the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity 人類口頭與非物質文化遺產 by UNESCO.

082706 Meeting at Stephen's

Bo says the Chinese modern Kungho has different construction as Western harp, the sound box is actually on the side and the string is parallel to the sound box.

Bo was explaining how the western harp's sound board and string should be. Bo disagree that Chinese modern harp should be called "Kungho."

John was plaing and singing for Suzanne 有美人兮...

Our guest, Mr. Wu Zhong-Xian 吳忠賢, who used work at China's Nasa at Xian. He was originally from Zhe-Jiang province. He learned Guqin from Li Ming-Zhong in Xian. He is also master in Chigong and Chinese martial art. The first piece he played for us was Liu Shue. Later he played Ping Sha Luo Yan.

Jung Ping was showing the photo of Taiwan Nan Hua University Guqin classroom. We were joking it is like Yamaha guqin class room. The university prepared qin for each student to play in the class.

Jung Ping now is almost like a Taoism priest but he said he is not a priest. He was wearing a traditional Chinese scholar's outfit and talking about his trip this early summer in Gansu province China and his teacing at Nanhua University in Taiwan.