Friday, November 09, 2012

Oct 27, 2012 Guqin yaji in Manhattan and the Visiting of Metropolitan Museum

This is the Qin Yaji that almost everyone played qin (except Yan Yan's teen age daughtor and Kong fu instructor Qiu). Yuni Han, Renjie Song, Peiyou Chang,  Sam Zhang, Yan Yan Zhu, Jennie Bai and Ralph Knag. Two and half hours qin yaji, then we head to Metropolitan Museum to see its Chinese garden and Chinese exhibition. Many thanks to Jennie organized this event. It was such a fruitful qin yaji and we are very gald to meet Yan and her daughter from Canada again.

Renjie Song plays O Lu Wang Ji 鷗鷺忘機

Jennie Bai plays Mei Hua San Nong, 梅花三弄

Yan Yan Zhu from Canada, plays Long Xiang Cao 龍翔操 and Liang Xiao Yin 良宵引

Ralph Knag plays Liang Xiao Yin 良宵引

Looking into the Chinese room in MET, there is this Ming dynasty Qin.

Without Renjie's pointing out, I will never pay attention to the detail of those wood door. one is Concave and the other is protruding so when they close, they really seal well. Renjie says: 关闭后无缝可窥,隐私。薄铁也不能伸进挑开门闩,防盗

Renjie told us a lot of things about traditional Chinese building. Such as outside the window there has a tall wall with opening on the top of the wall to suck out the air to naturally functioning as a ventilation system.

All the pillars are on plinth to avoid moister... according to Renjie.

Beautiful Lady Balustrade. 美人靠

Ming Dynasty Chinese building structure diagram.

When I saw this painting, I feel like to play Chun Xiao Yin 春曉吟.

From Yan Yan's camera: Yuni Han plays Yu Qiao Wen Da. 漁樵問答 on her own toboya silk string qin

Peiyou plays White Snow 白雪 on Yuni's silk string qin.

Sam Zhang plays Feng Lei Yin 風雷引

Walk crossing the central park.

Stretch out after seeing many Chinese arts in the museum.

Partial of the playing from this yaji.

July 29, 2012 Qin yaji at Staten Island Chinese Scholar's Garden

Geng Wang visited NJ from Kansas City, Missouri

Entering the Botanic Garden in Staten Island

Chinese Scholar's Garden

Big fresh pear in the Chinese garden 蟠桃園 

Sam plays bamboo flute, Renjie practices Taichi.

Tai Lake Stone from Tai Lake China. 太湖石

Sam Zhang plays qin as playing kong-fu

Peiyou played Chun Xiao Yin 春曉吟 (Early Spring Song)

Ralph Knag

Renjie Song

Renjie Song and Geng Wang plays Xiao and Guqin 琴蕭合奏
曲名: 關山月 Moon over Guan Mountain

Geng Wang plays qin in Jixing Yuan 寄興園
曲名: 秋水(片段) (Partial) 
The name of the piece is Qiu Shue, Autumn Water.

June 10th 2012 NYQS Visiting China Institute and Qin Yaji at CRS in Manhattan.

The New York Qin Society visited China Institute to see the exhibition
Theater, Life, and the Afterlife: 
Tomb Décor of the Jin Dynasty from Shanxi
After seeing the exhibition, everyone head to CRS near Union Square to have qin yaji.

Qin: Jason's new qin/ metal string, Stephen's Zen Chengwei Qin/ nylon string, Ralph's silk string qin. 
Qin playing: There were 1st round and 2nd round due to some people came late and did not hear the first round, so we played again.
Jason - 湘江怨, 陽關三疊 (1st round), 秋風辭, 長相思 (2nd round), 
Ralph - 秋風辭 (both round), 
Jun – 良宵引 (both round)
Stephen – 玉樓春曉, (1st round), 梅花三弄(2nd round),
Peiyou – 春曉吟, (1st round), 春曉吟, 歐鷺忘機 (2nd round),
Marilyn - 慨古引, 良宵引 
Judy (Shih-hua) - 秋風辭 with singing
Sam – Random (part of High Mountain and part of flowing water)

Stephen Dydo

Jason Ginsberg

Peiyou Chang

Jun Wang from San Francisco.

Ralph Knag

NYQS members: Bo Lawergren, Stephen Dydo, Jason Ginsberg, , Marilyn Wong Gleysteen, Ralph Knag, Judy Yeh, Peiyou Chang, and guests: Sam Zhang, Jun Wang, Pamela Yap, Qian Michelle Chen and Nick Chon. Andrew Frank and Nancy Nan left earlier

Opera Figures, Detail from the South Wall of the Tomb
Jin dynasty (1115–1234)
Unearthed in 2009 at Jishan Chemical Factory, Jishan county, Shanxi province
Height from left to right:
18 ¾ inches (47.6 cm), 18 9/10 inches (48 cm),
18 9/10 inches (48 cm), 19 11/16 inches (50 cm)
Shanxi Museum

Brick carving is a traditional folk art that was used to decorate architecture and adorn tombs. Excavations in recent decades have uncovered unique and theatrically-themed brick carvings from the Shanxi province, revealing a passion for theater and opera in this region during the Jin dynasty (1115–1234). The tombs of Shanxi, adorned with beautiful, intricate brick carvings and other décor, illustrate two kinds of popular entertainment: Za Ju, formal performances of written plays and San Qu, performances related to village festivals. An entirely reconstructed tomb will offer visitors a window into the ways ancient art patrons transferred the artistic joys of life into the afterlife. Theater, Life, and the Afterlife: Tomb Décor of the Jin Dynasty from Shanxi, brings to life the intersection of the brick carving and theater traditions. -- quoted from China Institute website.

This wall is more like the 24孝 stories. like the upper right side one is 臥冰求鯉, the lower middle one is 挨杖傷老