Monday, December 01, 2014

寒山冰絃雅集 Ice string in Han Mountain Guqin Yaji

Time: 11/22/2014, 2pm - 5pm
Place: 中道堂 in Swan lake NY

Participants: 趙逸宣 Yixuan Zhao, Ralph Knag and wife, 宋人傑 Renjie Song, 張培幼 Peiyou Chang, 韓潤伊 Yuni Han.

此次雅集沒有一張鋼絃琴, 所有的琴上的都是絲絃, 清明絲絃(中清與加重), 今吳, 丸三, 雷氏. This was a totally silk string qin gathering, no metal or nylon string at all. There were Qing Ming silk string, Jinwu, Marusan Hashimoto, and Lai silk string.

Music pieces:
烏夜啼T he Midnight Ravent -- Peiyou
秋塞吟 Song Of The Autumn Frontier -- Yuni
泛滄浪 Boating on Azure Wave -- Ralph
山居吟 Song of Dwell in Mountain -- Renjie
孔子讀易 Confucius Study Yijing -- Yixuan
寒山僧蹤 Han Shan (cold mountain, or Han mountain) monk track. 
-- Qin (Peiyou) Xiao (Renjie) Duet
陽關三疊 Departing from the Yang Guan Gate -- Ralph
列子御風 Liezi Rides on Wind -- Peiyou

Everyone stayed at Zhong Dao Tang over night to aviod black ice. The reward was delicious shabu shabu prepared by Yuni.

This yaji was one of the Zhong Dao Tang 中道堂 guqin yaji organized by Yuni for Master Yuan's students and qin friends. The purpose of this gathering is 3Es: to encourage, to exchange and of course, to enjoy our guqin playing.

The annual plan for year 2015 is as following:
- April 4, 2015
- June 27, 2015
- August 29, 2015