Thursday, April 23, 2015

ChungDao Yaji (中道雅集)- Saturday, April 18, 2015

From 2pm to 5pm. There was a well organized qin gathering hosting by Mrs. Yuni Han at the 中道堂, Catskill NY.

Thanks to the photographer Henry. (from the 2nd to the 8th photo)

Sorry we missed a photo of Yuni here. 
Yuni played 瀟湘水雲, 
Yixuan played 普庵咒,
Renjie played 石上流泉, 
Peiyou played 鷗鷺忘機(1st run) and 漁樵問答(2nd run).
Jennie also played 石上流泉.
Marilyn played 慨古引, 
John played 脩契吟, 流觴(in relates to the 蘭亭序 event). 
Ralph played 洞庭秋思.
Peiyou and Renjie played the 寒山僧蹤 qin xiao duet. 

Our tea host Mr. Mike J 蔣賢

Renjie was showing  his collection of the images of 王鐸's Calligraphy and did a demonstration on writing Chinese calligraphy on special water paper which is very good for practicing calligraphy without wasting any rice paper. He explained that the writing action is very similar to playing the guqin. 

After Renjie's demonstrating, everyone tried to do brush writing on the magic water paper. 
米芾 (top) and 王鐸's Calligraphy
According to Renjie: The Rubbing ink post shows calligraphy by Mi Fu (1051-1107), one of four famous Song Dynasty Calligraphers. The other two calligraphy by Wang Duo’s (1592-1652), from Min and Qin Dynasty.

it dried out in about three minutes.

John's collection of 蘭亭序曲水流殤雅集 

Renjie demonstrating Chinese calligraphy. He said: 拓墨帖是宋四家之一 米芾 的字。書法介紹基於與琴有關的詩詞,如影印本王鐸行書【聽穎師彈琴】(唐李賀),鄙人試習草書【聽蜀僧彈琴】(唐李白)...
Renjie says; Two calligraphy by Wang Duo’s (1592-1652), from Min and Qin Dynasty.
Most of calligraphy showed at Yaji are Qin-related poetry, such as
[Listen to Monk Ying Play Qin] poem by Li He (790-816 ) of Tang Dynasty, running style calligraphy by Wang Duo(1592-1652) .

Peiyou helped Jennie to change her qin from metal string to silk string but this qin was not good for silk string, so we end up changing back to metal. 

It was a very beautiful day. This photo was taken around 5pm. 

After 5pm, there was archery demonstration and practicing lead by Mr. Henry Chan.