Monday, April 02, 2018

Attend the yaji at Bard College 3/30/2018

On Friday, March 30th, 7: 30pm, at the Chapel of the Holy Innocents, Bard College
me and my husband and two of my qin students,  attended this
Elegant Gathering (雅集) and Lecture Concert

Guqin: An Ancient Chinese Instrument and its Revival

presented by Zhao Jiazhen 趙家珍 and her son, Li Lingchen 李令晨

from the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China

以下是與會的學者, 巴德學院音樂系主任, 及演奏者的簡介:

Stephen took this photo of Me, Brenda and Ralph is in the photo as well.

Introduction of the 5 scholars who will giving talks at the next day conference.

Guqin Performer: Zhao Jiaszhen (photo was taken by Brenda)

Mother and son performing together.

Someone present this teddy bear bouquet to Mrs. Zhao. 

This qin was made by WP with artificial lacquer cracks and was strung with metal/nylon strings.

演奏曲目四首古曲都是大曲, 趙女士的演奏技巧高超, 運指極快. 其兒也試圖朝這個方向走. 聽到最後反而會希望如果能來首慢的古琴曲, 會平衡整場演奏會的氣氛. 個人覺得似乎把古琴彈得越快, 越能表示中國音樂也能震撼人心. 但古琴最重要的本質"大音希聲"以及"輕微淡遠"就被忽略了. 這似乎是公眾古琴音樂會的兩難及矛盾.

最後一首琴蕭引為現代曲目 (1984 Zhao ShiJun 創作, 李令晨改編) 根據雲南少數民族音樂為靈感來源. 古琴與黑管重奏.

My report of the conference will be at my Guqin Study Journals page.