Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A tranquil night at Trinity Memorial Church

Trinity Memorial Church
44 Main street. Binghamton, NY 13905
in the Common Room

December 2, 2016 at 8:30 pm


Misty Clouds Over The Xiao and Xiang River 瀟湘水雲
12 min
Composer: Guo Chu-wang
Composing period: around 1260-1274
Brief Note: This piece presents a combination of the image of flowing water, blowing wind, drifting boats and a lofy atmosphere.

Seeking the Truth 採真游
9 min
Composer: unknown
Composing period: 16th century
Brief Note: This piece is more abstract to me. Playing this piece, I like to have some of the Doaist philosophy in my mind, such as keeping a free mood, letting nature take me to where it will be.

Three Variations on the Plum Blossom 梅花三弄
6 min
Composer: unknown
Composing period: 17th century
Brief Note: It is so called, because the one melody is repeated in three different variations of harmonics in three different positions on the instrument. Playing this piece, I keep the spirits of plum blossom in mind that it can withstand harsh winters and still bloom and dance in the wind.

It was a successful event. The room was cozy and homey. Playing the qin here, I felt a very comfortable, warm and peaceful energy around me. There were about 20 people came. 30 minutes music and 30 minutes interact with audience. They are really lovely small group of audience. The questions they had asked were very good and interesting, including music quality, composition, philosophy, qin construction, improvisation, solitary quality, etc...

I had chosen some photos to accompany with my playing. For the first piece, I used the "Xiao Xiang Eight Scenery" by Yuan dynasty Zhang Yuan 瀟湘八景圖, 元 張遠. The 2nd piece, I used the Cai Zhen Yo tablature from Xi Lu Tang Qin Tong (Ming dynasty qin handbook). 西麓堂琴統採真游 指法譜, so the audience can see how guqin music is written. The final piece I used the plumb blossom photos I took in Kyoto, Japan. It really helped the presentation, and audience also praised on that.

It was my honer to present the guqin music and culture at the Binghamton Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church to local folks. Many thanks to the church and to my family.

昨天十二月的第一個星期五, 我在Binghamton Trinity Memorial Church 演奏古琴給當地的教友聽. 教堂有一個房間叫common room, 是很適合小型聚會的房間. 教堂安排我在這個房間演奏古琴, 希望能有一種更intimacy 的 feeling. 能讓聽眾更接近古琴. 而事實真的是感覺非常棒, 很溫馨, 寧靜祥和的感覺. 我在彈琴的時候有感受到那股舒服的能量. 使我的演奏非常平順.

演奏三首琴曲, 約三十分鐘的音樂. 還用一些照片播放在身後的電視螢幕上, 讓聽者更能融入琴曲, 也讓聽者了解古琴譜的樣子. 演奏完以後, 觀眾們問題一個接一個, 他們都提出非常有意思的問題, 有說到關於琴曲對他們聽到後所得到的感覺, 有問到能否視譜演奏,還是一定要背下來,如果每一次演奏同一首曲目是否會有不一樣的詮釋, 還有很多問題關於琴曲的創作, 結構, 考古研究, 古琴音樂"獨"的特性, 演奏環境, 等等... 真的讓我感到非常高興.

很感謝教堂給我這個機會推廣古琴, 也很謝謝我的家人一直以來給予我的支持與鼓勵.

Dec 3, 2016.

備註: 三位一體紀念教會是一個有歷史的主教堂, 位於紐約上州的賓漢頓市中心。 它在1897年完成, 是一個維多利亞女王時代的高的哥德式建築節構, 用青石以及石灰石建構而成。 前正面設有一個大方形突出的塔與一個側入口和一個較小的輔助的後殿。 此外正面是一個大的哥德式拱形窗口與幾何窗飾和彩色玻璃。1998年登入為美國國家歷史名勝。,_New_York)