Saturday, October 03, 2015

Mid autumn full moon pleasant night 中秋月下良宵

Everyone wear Hanfu 著漢服



良宵引 Song of a Pleasant Night Qin Playing

關山月 Moon Over Guan Mountain Qin playing and singing


At the Recreation Park of Binghamton NY

主祭官唸禱詞 (Photographer Lenny Guo)

禱詞 (Calligraphy done by a friend of Jiawei)

主祭官上香 (Photographer Lenny Guo)

與會全體人員(Photographer Lenny Guo)

9/27/2015 I was invited to the Southern Tier New York Chinese Culture Club Mid Autumn Festival.
This club is established by Miss Jiawei Mao, and its organization and activity are brand new, very meaningful. I am grateful to be invited and learned something new. The whole moon ceremony went very smooth which is not so easy to get. Jiawei and friends really did a good job. Thanks.

早在周朝,帝王就有春分祭日、夏至祭地、秋分祭月、冬至祭天的習俗。 《禮記》中記載:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日以朝,夕月以夕。”描述了中國古代帝王春天祭日、秋天祭月的禮制。

Moon ceremony can be found in ancient Chinese documents that as early as Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE), emperors worship to Sun in the spring time, to Earth in the summer time, to Moon in the autumn and to Heaven in the winter time.  

月屬陰 因此祭月均由女性執行 
Moon is "Yin" therefore the execution of the moon ceremony has to be done by female.