Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday, try out Suxin 素心絲絃 silk string at John's

Suxin silk string

Suxin silk string

After Thanksgiving day, there is always a lot of left over food. So we bought half our turkey to John and Suzanne's at the Black Friday night, had dinner with them and also tried out Geng's Suxin silk string. We had to do some 乾坤大挪移, John took the silk strings out from Geng's qin and put back on his own qin. I took the Suxin silk strings out from John's qin and  put them on my meditation mind. I took tobaya silk string out from my meditation mind, and put aside. Last when I finished testing the Suxin silk string, I took them down and put them back onto Geng's qin and put my Tobaya back onto my qin.

Tobaya silk string on my qin sound very elegant and bright. Suxin silk string on my qin sound very rich and nice, except the 1st and 3rd string has problem with glue. I tune them to C D F G A C D. no problem to make the 7th string to D. They seems pretty strong. :)

黑色星期五的晚, 人們忙著搶購打折品, 我與先生帶著大半隻吃不完的火雞及蘋果派, 兩瓶葡萄酒, 兩罐Häagen-Dazs冰淇淋, 我的靜心琴就跑去唐世璋跟夫人的家, 順便專心試試王耕推廣的素心絲絃. 試絃得乾坤大挪移, John 把耕琴上的絃換回他自己的琴, 我把John琴上的素心換到我的靜心, 試完了再放回耕的琴.  素心在靜心上聲音明顯與鳥羽屋在靜心上不同,鳥羽屋的聲音很高雅清亮, 素心有種樸厚飽滿, 風格截然不同. 我很輕易就把素心上到標準音高. 是很強軔的絃. 唯一還需要改善的是一三絃有脫膠的問題, 三弦聲音出不來, 一絃有一點點脫膠後產生的雜音. 除此之外非常滿意. 希望素心能克服這上面的問題.